Prevent ad fraud in real time, on any platform

Discover our platform

Discover a new way to prevent ad fraud.

Privacy at Our Core

Fully GDPR and CCPA compliant, we don’t use 3rd party cookies and all our data is fully encrypted.

Detailed reporting

Powerful and customizable reports.

Powerful Detection

Powered by machine learning, our technology ensures we only exclude invalid and fraudulent traffic in real-time.


Instant & Scheduled reports with current Ad Fraud metrics

Start my Free Trial

No credit card required.


Outstanding Tools

Detect & Prevent Ad Fraud

Real-time prevention

Combat ad fraud on-the-fly.

Brand Safety

Protect your brand against bots

User scoring API

Easy-to-use user scoring API

Easy start

Seamless integration. Integrate in minutes

Complete Anti Fraud coverage

Every device. Every Ad Format. Every GEO.

Want to learn more?

Reach out our customer help center for more info

More Benefits

The little extras that makes stand out of competition.

24/7 Support

Our experienced team is always ready to help.


Whether you’re a small business or a global enterprise, we are built for scalability, ease of use, and security.
Spend, measure, and experiment confidently with any partner
Remove limitations on growth by wiping all hollow metrics out that could endanger your success
Save time and stress spent on arguing with partners over refunds

150 bln Ad requests

Volume of Ad requests verified per day